Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Minneapolis’

Humidity and Your AC system

Monday, August 21st, 2023

When you live in the “Land of Ten Thousand Lakes,” you’ll have plenty of humidity to deal with during the summer! We expect to get humid conditions here in the Twin Cities every summer season. Most people try to deal with humidity in their home by cranking up the air conditioner. But is this really the best method?

We know quite a bit about cooling homes and balancing humidity in the Twin Cities, and we want to pass on some of this important knowledge to you today. This post will look into the effects of humidity on your comfort, your home, and most of all, your AC. We’ll also look into whether your AC is enough on its own to counter the problems that come with humid weather. 

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Possible Thermostat Troubles That Will Affect Home Comfort

Monday, August 7th, 2023

The thermostat is critical for the comfort of your home. It’s where you interface with the HVAC system to set your desired temperature and to create a schedule for turning the heat on and off. 

Thermostats can malfunction in several ways, and often it’s difficult for homeowners to tell when the thermostat is at fault for a problem with the heating or cooling. To help you better understand when the thermostat is causing comfort troubles, we’ll look several malfunctions for thermostats in Minneapolis, MN.

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5 Tips for Commercial AC Maintenance

Monday, July 17th, 2023

The hot and humid summers in the Twin Cities make it necessary for almost any business to rely on air conditioning for part of the year. And many businesses have year-round cooling requirements. 

We offer commercial AC service in Minneapolis, MN, and in this post we’d like to provide you with several maintenance tips that will help you get the longest and most efficient and effective service life from your commercial air conditioning system.

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Your AC and Energy Use: Some Important Facts

Monday, June 26th, 2023

It takes plenty of energy to power a heating system through winters in the Twin Cities. But don’t underestimate what it costs to run air conditioning in Minneapolis, MN during our summers, which are often hot and have the extra burden of humidity from all our lakes. 

How much does it cost to run an air conditioning system? You might have some idea based on changes in your electric bills when summer starts up, but today we want to look into the facts about how your AC uses electricity.

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Why Is Water Leaking From My AC?

Monday, June 12th, 2023

If you listen to your air conditioning system when it’s running, you’ll occasionally hear the sound of water dripping. That’s not because your air conditioner uses water to run. The way it cools the air is with refrigerant, which draws heat from inside the house and then transports it outside. The water is a byproduct of this process—and sometimes it may leak from the AC.

If you see water pooling around the indoor air conditioner, please don’t just mop it up and ignore it. That leaking water is a sign of a problem with the AC that can quickly get worse and lead to the system shutting down, so it’s best to call for us for AC repair in Minneapolis, MN

Below, we’ll take a look at why water leaks can occur and what they mean.

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Some Special Tips to Help Your AC This Summer

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

The most basic way you can help your cooling system run more efficiently and effectively this summer is to arrange with our team for professional air conditioning maintenance in Minneapolis, MN. If you’ve already done that, then you’re off to a good start for summer cooling.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the “next steps” to improve your AC’s performance, efficiency, and reliability through another warm and humid summer. Once we go beyond maintenance, there are many ways to help your air conditioning system work its best.

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How Cool Can My AC Make My House?

Monday, May 8th, 2023

This is a good question to ask, because answering it gives us a chance as HVAC professionals to explain more about what an air conditioner does and doesn’t do. Any air conditioner has limits, and when you understand what those limits are and why they exist, you’ll have an easier time finding the ideal comfort settings during the summer.

We’ll use our expertise at air conditioning in Minneapolis, MN to answer your questions about your AC’s power.

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Let’s Beat the Summer Humidity This Year!

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Minnesota is the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes. Actually, the number is 11,842, depending on what you include as a “lake.” That can certainly make for beautiful scenery, but it has an unpleasant side effect during the summer: humidity. Also mosquitos, but we’re not talking about mosquitos in this post.

When the summer weather arrives, and it will be here soon, humidity can turn a warm day into an unbearable one. The reason is that humidity acts like a blanket around you: it traps heat in your body by slowing down how much heat you can release by perspiration. Humidity doesn’t make the temperature hotter, but it will make it feel hotter—sometimes by 10°.

Would you like to get control of the humidity in your house this year? We can help with some tips as well as with our services. 

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Some Basic Tips for Lowering AC Costs This Coming Summer

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Summer will arrive fast and the air conditioning systems in your home will switch on to perform their valuable service. 

It’s a service that costs money, however. The compressor in an air conditioner consumes more electricity than almost any other residential appliance with the exception of an electric water heater. The reason you see your electric bills rise in summer is mostly due to running the AC. 

We want to help you save money with your summer cooling, so we’ve put together some basic ways to cut down on what you pay to run your AC. If you need AC repair in Minneapolis, MN, reach out to our team.

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A Big Spring Question: Should You Replace Your AC Before Summer?

Monday, April 10th, 2023

In our last post, we talked about the most important way you can prepare your air conditioning before summer: professional air conditioning maintenance.

Although maintenance is essential for an effective and efficient cooling system, you may have to face a larger issue this spring—what if it’s better to replace your entire air conditioning system before the hot weather arrives? No air conditioning system lasts forever, and at some point, you’ll need to make the choice to get a new AC installed, preferably before the AC breaks down on its own and forces you to replace it. You always want to make an upgrade to your cooling system on your schedule, not the ACs!

As experienced professionals when it comes to air conditioning in Minneapolis and St. Paul, we can help you out. Let’s look at several factors that may convince you it’s time for a new AC. The best way to get a solid answer is to consult with our technicians. We’ll give you honest answers about the future of your home cooling.

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