Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Minneapolis’

What Is R22? Will I Be Impacted By the Freon Phase Out?

Monday, May 10th, 2021

blue-question-markEverything is starting to get “smarter.” We’ve got smartphones, tablets, thermostats, and even smart homes. If you’re familiar with smart devices and the initiatives surrounding them, then you’re familiar with one central theme—making the world a more efficient and greener place. This applies to your energy sources as well!

Today, we want to take some time to talk about R22. We’re sure that you’ve heard the term floating around. If you’ve got an older air conditioner, then the conversation surrounding this refrigerant applies to you! Let’s get into this below and know that we’re here to help you with your air conditioning replacement in Minneapolis.

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Carrier Air Conditioning Services in Minneapolis

Monday, April 19th, 2021

We’re proud to say that we’re a factory authorized Carrier dealer. It’s something that we’re proud to offer surrounding our air conditioning services in Minneapolis, MN. Today, we’d like to take some time to talk about Carrier products and our affiliation with them.

We’re a team that does comprehensive work. This means that if you need to consult with a professional about what type of system you want, we’re here to help you with this. We perform any type of service that you need for a Carrier product including installation, repair, replacement, and maintenance services. We’re here whenever you need us.

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What Size Ductless AC Unit Do I Need?

Monday, April 5th, 2021

blue-question-markSpring is here. This is the time of year where you should take inventory of your life. Clear out all those old clothing items that you never wear from your closet, scrub those corners, and open up your windows to let in some fresh air. If you’re in the spirit of clearing out and reevaluating, then we know that this energy is going to make it to your HVAC system eventually. We’re here to support you when it does.

Are you considering ductless air conditioning in Minneapolis, MN? The thing that you need to pay attention to the most is the sizing of your unit. We’re prepared to help you get exactly what you need. We’ll talk about all the details below…

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Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

blue-question-markSpring is here and we know you’re in the spirit. There’s something about more hours of daylight and warmer weather that makes everything feel new and hopeful. We’re sure that you’re doing your annual spring cleaning along with some decluttering. When you have to make decisions on keeping or letting go of clothing and personal items in your home, it gets you thinking about other things like your heater. You might be asking yourself: “Is it time for me to repair? Or should I replace?” We’ll help you figure it out today.

Today we’re going to walk you through the process of deciding between furnace replacement and furnace repair in Minneapolis, MN. The process is more straightforward than you might think. Of course, if you ever want to speak to a professional directly, you can always get in contact with our team members.

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How to Tell if Your Furnace Thermostat is Bad

Monday, March 15th, 2021

Your heater has been giving you a little trouble this winter. It’s almost like it’s become personified and it’s going through its teenage rebellion phase. It doesn’t listen! It’s defiant and it refuses to read the room.

You’ve done your fair share of troubleshooting. At first, you thought it was a direct problem with your heater and that you need gas and electric furnace repairs in Minneapolis, MN. Soon, you can realize that it was actually a problem with your home’s thermostat itself. Our HVAC professionals are trained and prepared. This means that we can help you no matter what the issue is. Keep reading below for the telltale signs of furnace trouble.

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Why Is My Boiler Leaking Water?

Monday, March 1st, 2021

blue-question-markBoilers are great systems to heat your home in a place like Minneapolis. But what happens if your home’s boiler starts to leak? The first thing and really the only thing you should do is contact a professional. We’re the ones who can handle what’s going on with your home’s boiler.

In a perfect world, your boiler would be efficient, effective, and long-lasting too. This can be your reality with high-quality service. If you want better work, you should definitely trust the professionals on our team. We can be here for you when you need us most. We specialize in boiler services in Minneapolis, MN. Today, we’re going to run through a few probable causes of why this is happening.

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The Symptoms Of a Bad Furnace Transformer

Monday, February 15th, 2021

We’re sure that your furnace has become your best friend during this time of the year. So, when things start to go wrong, you need to refer to a professional for the service that you’re looking for. Your furnace is quite the complex piece of equipment. There are some important pieces of this system that cannot afford to go without quality care. You might have heard of your furnace’s filter or even the compressor… but what about the transformer?

Your furnace’s transformer is important to your heating. If your furnace has declined in quality and you need heating system repairs in Minneapolis, MN, then we’re the team you can talk to for your personal needs.

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How to Stop a Furnace from Banging

Monday, February 1st, 2021

It’s a cold winter morning in Minneapolis. You leave the comfort of your warm bed to head over to your thermostat. You want to get your home a little toasty before you officially get out of bed to start the day. You choose the perfect temperature setting, start up your heater, and then *bam*… literally. Your furnace is banging up a storm in your home. What in the world is going on?

Well… we’re going to get into all the possibilities below. No matter what’s going on, you’re going to need furnace repairs in Minneapolis, MN. When we say you need furnace repairs, we meant that you need furnace repairs from a professional. Keep reading to learn more…

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How Long Is It Going To Take To Replace My Furnace?

Monday, January 18th, 2021

When you’re in the middle of winter, the last thing you want to do is carve out time for a heating technician to replace your furnace. There are so many factors to juggle: you want to make sure that you have another place to stay or some space heaters to make up for your loss of heat, you’re going to want to ensure your HVAC contractor is safe and qualified, and you want everything to fall within your budget. We can make all of this easy for you.

It actually doesn’t take all that long to replace your furnace in Minneapolis, MN. We’re going to get into everything you need to consider and everything you need to know. We’re qualified professionals and we can help you keep your home warm this winter.

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Got a Heating Problem from Last Year?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Take a trip down memory lane down to last winter. Were you having trouble with your home’s heater?

Now, a little distance between you and the problems you had last year might have lessened your irritation. We know that you might look back on the problems you had a while ago and think “It wasn’t that bad. I can deal with those issues this winter.” We don’t want you to settle though.

Problems that you had last year have only had time to worsen. If you neglect your heating repair in Minneapolis, MN, you’re going to regret it. We’re going to ensure that you have a winter that’s warm, affordable, and energy-efficient too.

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