Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Duct Cleaning’

Duct Cleaning: A Great Gift for the Holiday Season

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

Finding the right gift during the holiday season can feel tricky. You want something practical but meaningful, something that shows you care. This year, think about giving cleaner air and a better-running HVAC system. Duct cleaning in Minneapolis is a thoughtful gift that brings comfort, health benefits, and long-term savings. It’s not just a service—it’s a way to make life at home better for your loved ones. 

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7 Ways Dirty Air Ducts Cause Issues

Monday, September 18th, 2023

We recommend that our clients arrange for duct cleaning in Minneapolis, MN every 3-5 years. This is how long it takes for a significant amount of dust and other debris to collect along the walls of the ducts inside the ventilation system. You’ll definitely need professionals like us to handle this job—you can’t do it by pushing a broom or a vacuum hose into your vents!

You might think that dirty ducts don’t sound that bad. After all, you can’t see them, so what’s the harm? Actually, there’s plenty of harm, and we’ve listed seven of these problems below. We hope this encourages you to schedule duct cleaning if your home is overdue for it.

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4 Common Ductwork Issues

Monday, August 28th, 2023

We’ve served the Twin Cities for more than 25 years, so we’ve seen plenty of problems with the ductwork in homes. Providing duct services in Eden Prairie, MN is an important part of our job of helping homes stay comfortable and energy efficient because of how seriously bad ducts affect how an HVAC system operates.

However, the major problem with ductwork issues is that few homeowners know about them until the issues escalate. In this post, we’ll offer you some important education about the most common types of ductwork problems. These might be affecting your home at this very moment. 

If you have any concerns or questions about your ducts, don’t hesitate to contact our team. We can diagnose the ductwork (such as measuring how it maintains pressure) to locate any troubles and then have them fixed right.

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Duct Cleaning 101

Monday, June 27th, 2022

When it comes to keeping your home pristine, healthy, and in top working order, it’s beneficial to pay closer attention to your ducts. Your ducts are the highway that your air conditioning takes to get to all the rooms in your home to cool you. Without proper ductwork, you’re going to notice that it’s much harder to get cool with ease. This is a headache you don’t want. 

If you’re looking for simple ways to improve your efficiency and make your life much easier, then we suggest getting yourself duct cleaning in Brooklyn Park, MN. We know that this might comes as a surprise to many. We meet far too many homeowners who don’t even realize they should be cleaning their home’s ducts on a regular basis. We want to do our part by rectifying this today with the right information. Here is everything you need to know about your home’s ductwork. 

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The Importance of Duct Cleaning in Bloomington

Monday, March 28th, 2022

If there’s one thing you should know, it’s that cleaning your ducts is incredibly important. It’s the easiest way to improve the overall quality of your home with one job. If you’re trying to clean up your home’s indoor air quality and up your HVAC performance, then we suggest investing in duct cleaning in Bloomington, MN.

Duct cleaning isn’t something that you should just rely on any person for. Instead, we suggest relying on professionals like ours. We’re the only ones who are able to get it the first time because of our expertise and experience. Let’s go through everything you should know about your home duct cleaning services below…

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Yes, It’s Time for Duct Cleaning

Monday, August 17th, 2020

We trust that you prepared your air conditioner for summer with a little maintenance. You probably went the extra mile to switch out your home’s air conditioning filter too. During any other year, this would have been everything that you needed to have a cool summer. This year though… something still seems to be missing. What could it be?

When things are off with your air conditioner but there’s nothing ostensibly wrong, you’re going to need to schedule an appointment for your indoor air quality. Specifically, we’d like to suggest a duct cleaning in Maple Grove, MN. We’re here to help you out this summer.

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Why You Should Schedule an Air Duct Cleaning Before Winter

Monday, November 26th, 2018

When was the last time you had your air ducts cleaned? It’s likely that you can’t remember. So many homeowners here and across the country neglect to have their air ducts cleaned on a routine basis and we understand why. You air ducts aren’t a system in your home that you wake up thinking about every day so it can often get pushed the wayside. Other homeowners don’t see the benefit of getting their air ducts cleaned. After all, if your home’s HVAC system seems to work just fine then why schedule a cleaning? This is an erroneous way of thinking that leads you into a false sense of comfort. Indoor air quality problems often seem like other common household issues, but a simple service like this will greatly boost your comfort. If you want to have your air ducts cleaned in St. Paul, MN then contact our team today.

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