Preventing Mold and Mildew in Your HVAC System

September 11th, 2023

Nobody wants mold and mildew in their house. They create unpleasant odors, cause damage to building materials, and send out toxic spores that lower indoor air quality. The worst place for mold and mildew to start to develop is inside your HVAC system. Mold and mildew in the HVAC system will spread a noxious odor around your home (“dirty sock syndrome”), impair the operation of the AC and heater, and make it easy for toxic spores to spread.

If you want to ensure your HVAC system remains mold and mildew-free, keeping up with professional AC maintenance in Plymouth, MN is a crucial important step. Below we’ll list the proactive ways to have a mold- and mildew-free HVAC system. 

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Understanding Your AC Efficiency Ratings

September 4th, 2023

Energy efficiency is more important to consumers now than ever before, and they pay more attention to efficiency ratings for a range of devices. Thanks to the ENERGY STAR program, part of the US Department of Energy, consumers have an easy way to identify appliances that have passed the requirements for lower energy consumption and eco-friendly performance. 

Air conditioners use more electricity than almost any other household appliance, and that makes understanding their efficiency ratings a key part of lowering monthly bills and having an energy-saving household. We know all about the importance of AC efficiency in Minneapolis, MN, and we’re going to take a closer look at efficiency ratings in this post. When it comes to choosing a new AC for installation, always work with professionals who can help you find the system that has the right combination of efficiency, size, and performance for your household.

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4 Common Ductwork Issues

August 28th, 2023

We’ve served the Twin Cities for more than 25 years, so we’ve seen plenty of problems with the ductwork in homes. Providing duct services in Eden Prairie, MN is an important part of our job of helping homes stay comfortable and energy efficient because of how seriously bad ducts affect how an HVAC system operates.

However, the major problem with ductwork issues is that few homeowners know about them until the issues escalate. In this post, we’ll offer you some important education about the most common types of ductwork problems. These might be affecting your home at this very moment. 

If you have any concerns or questions about your ducts, don’t hesitate to contact our team. We can diagnose the ductwork (such as measuring how it maintains pressure) to locate any troubles and then have them fixed right.

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Humidity and Your AC system

August 21st, 2023

When you live in the “Land of Ten Thousand Lakes,” you’ll have plenty of humidity to deal with during the summer! We expect to get humid conditions here in the Twin Cities every summer season. Most people try to deal with humidity in their home by cranking up the air conditioner. But is this really the best method?

We know quite a bit about cooling homes and balancing humidity in the Twin Cities, and we want to pass on some of this important knowledge to you today. This post will look into the effects of humidity on your comfort, your home, and most of all, your AC. We’ll also look into whether your AC is enough on its own to counter the problems that come with humid weather. 

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Don’t Push Your AC Too Hard at the End of Summer

August 14th, 2023

August and September often bring out the hottest weather of the summer. That can spell bad news for air conditioning systems which have already put in several months of hard work keeping homes chilled and comfortable. As the heat ramps up, ACs are at a higher risk of failing or losing cooling capacity because of the strain and overwork. 

We don’t want you stuck with a failed air conditioner during the dog days of summer—although you can always depend on us for air conditioning repair in Eden Prairie, MN or elsewhere in the Twin Cities when you need it. We have advice to help you lessen the cooling load on your air conditioning system and see that it remains reliable until it shuts off at the end of the year.

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Possible Thermostat Troubles That Will Affect Home Comfort

August 7th, 2023

The thermostat is critical for the comfort of your home. It’s where you interface with the HVAC system to set your desired temperature and to create a schedule for turning the heat on and off. 

Thermostats can malfunction in several ways, and often it’s difficult for homeowners to tell when the thermostat is at fault for a problem with the heating or cooling. To help you better understand when the thermostat is causing comfort troubles, we’ll look several malfunctions for thermostats in Minneapolis, MN.

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Common Reasons for an Underperforming AC

July 31st, 2023

During a hot summer, if your air conditioning system starts to work less effectively, you will definitely know it! Although your air conditioner is turning on and blowing out cool air from the vents, it feels hotter and more humid than normal.

You’ll feel tempted in a situation like this to drop the thermostat setting lower—but please don’t. If you normally can get comfortable during the summer on even the hottest days with a 78°F thermostat setting, but now you have to drop it down to 72°F, that means something is wrong with the HVAC system that must be addressed. We’re going to look at the common causes for an underperforming cooling system and when you need to call for air conditioning repair in Eden Prairie, MN

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How Do I Know If I Need an Air Purifier?

July 24th, 2023

You aren’t alone if you have concerns about the quality of the air in your home. If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re interested in having air purifier service in Minneapolis, MN to get rid of unwanted contaminants. 

But do you really need an air purifier? Will an air purifier deliver the results you want? Today, we’re going to examine signs that you’ll benefit from having a whole-house air purifier as well as what those benefits are.

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5 Tips for Commercial AC Maintenance

July 17th, 2023

The hot and humid summers in the Twin Cities make it necessary for almost any business to rely on air conditioning for part of the year. And many businesses have year-round cooling requirements. 

We offer commercial AC service in Minneapolis, MN, and in this post we’d like to provide you with several maintenance tips that will help you get the longest and most efficient and effective service life from your commercial air conditioning system.

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How Do I Know If My Furnace May Have Asbestos in It?

July 10th, 2023

The word asbestos is a frightening one to homeowners: even if they don’t exactly know what it is, they know they don’t want it in their homes. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber with high heat resistance, and this heat-resistant property has made it a common material in construction since ancient times. 

Unfortunately, this is what allowed asbestos to get easily into homes, usually as part of insulation. Breathing in asbestos fibers is harmful: long-term lung exposure can cause several respiratory illnesses, such as mesothelioma, a dangerous form of lung cancer.

One prime area where asbestos might lurk in your home is in your furnace. In this post, we’re going to look at the issue of asbestos in furnaces and whether this is a problem with your home’s furnace. If you’ve got an asbestos problem, call our team for asbestos removal in Eden Prairie, MN

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