Questions To Ask Before Replacing Your Furnace

February 21st, 2022

family-holding-green-paper-house-in-handsWe’re pretty far into the winter season. This is the time of year when you might realize that your current furnace just isn’t cutting it anymore. If you’re not warm enough, if your furnace is expensive, or if your heater is just getting up there in age, we’d recommend replacing your unit. 

Now, when we talk to homeowners about replacement we often are met with a little hesitancy. We understand why. Replacement is typically a process that’s stressful. We hear horror stories from homeowners that have gone with other contractors in the past. The good news is that our team is here to make sure that your furnace installation in Minnetonka, GA is as easy as possible. We care about the service. 

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Most Common Furnace Filter Questions

February 14th, 2022

blue-question-markWe talk to a wide range of homeowners here in the area. Over the years, we’ve noticed that we receive some of the same questions when we’re talking to homeowners about furnace filters. We understand that there’s a little confusion when it comes to filters in a home. When we’re talking about filters today, we’re only talking about furnace filters. Furnace filters are in charge of keeping your heater clean, clear, and ready to perform. Indoor air quality filters are in charge of filtering all the air in your home. 

On our team, we understand that education is an important part of the HVAC process. It’s why we’re going to take the time to educate you on furnace filters in Minnetonka, MN today. You never have to wonder when you have our professionals by your side. We make things abundantly clear every step of the way. 

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Why Is My Furnace So Loud?

February 7th, 2022

Now that winter is here, you’re using your heater more than you have in a while. In a perfect world, this would cause no upsets, but in our real and flawed world, you might notice that your furnace is acting up a little this season. One of the ways your furnace might cause trouble is through the amount of noise it emits. Loud furnace noises are something that should be addressed as soon as possible. 

We’re here whether you need furnace repair or furnace installation in Minnetonka, GA. today, we’re going to let you know everything you need to know about furnace noises, the different types, their potential causes, and what you can do about these issues. 

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Why Do Furnace Transformers Fail?

January 31st, 2022

young-woman-shivering-during-the-winter-seasonThe term “furnace transformer” might be a little intimidating. Just the name of it sounds important or influential. If this is your assumption, you’d be right, your furnace transformer is important to you, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. Your furnace transformer’s main function is to supply power to the furnace itself. The furnace transformer is integral in powering all the key players of your heater. This includes things like timers, ignitions, circuitry, and temperature controls. If your furnace transformer fails, you’re sure to notice because of your furnace’s subsequent inability to perform. 

The only thing better than discovering a furnace problem in time to fix it, is understanding why this furnace problem occurred. This will help you prevent the same furnace trouble in the future. We’re here to help you with your furnace service in Eden Prairie, MN today. Let’s talk about how you might have come to this point.

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How Often Should You Get a Heater Serviced?

January 24th, 2022

Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.When we’re talking to homeowners, we get some of the same questions regarding their heating service. One of the most common questions we get is, “how often should I get my heater serviced?” The timing of your home’s heating services is essential. We understand why you want to know when to get these services done. Today, we’re going to answer some common questions around your heating timing so you can get it right.

You can come to our team for your heater service in St. Louis Park, MN, because we’re trained and experienced professionals. We’ve worked in homes just like yours in the past. We make sure that we get things right the first time because we value your time and care about your comfort. 

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Dangers of DIY Furnace Repairs

January 17th, 2022
Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.


Furnace troubles happen to the best of us. When something goes wrong with your system, it means that it’s a good time to get in touch with a professional. We know that when trouble strikes, it typically has unfortunate timing. Due to this timing, you might want to dabble in do-it-yourself efforts. If you can fix the problem on your own, avoid disrupting the flow of your daily life with professionals in your home, and do all of this for half the price, then why wouldn’t you? 

The problem is that it’s rarely this simple. Professional service is unparalleled because it’s backed by years of experience and training. If you want to make sure that your heating problem is fixed with ease and done right the first time, then you’ll need a professional. We specialize in heating repairs in Minnetonka, GA

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How Do You Know If Your Furnace Is Emitting Carbon Monoxide?

January 10th, 2022

If you have a furnace, then you know that one of the dangers of running these systems is their potential to emit carbon monoxide. Although this is a worst-case scenario, it’s still something you should be aware of and informed about. Knowledge about carbon monoxide is what will keep you safe in the face of danger. 

Carbon monoxide is so dangerous because it’s a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. The best way to detect it is with a great carbon monoxide detector. This way it can be identified before it starts to affect you or any of your loved ones. It’s also important to note how it might affect your body. If you are looking for furnace repair in Bloomington, MN, then we’re the professionals who can perform this work. For now, though, let’s talk about what you should know about CO below.

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Should I Replace My 30-Year-Old Furnace?

January 3rd, 2022

blue-question-markReplacing your home’s furnace is inevitable. Since this is something that you’re going to have to do eventually, you’re going to want to prepare for this change. We also understand that you might not know when it’s time for you to replace your furnace. There are many things you need to pay attention to as a homeowner, the subtle differences in your furnace operation might go unnoticed in the daily hustle and bustle of your life. If you realize that your furnace has really declined over the years, you might want to consider new furnace installation in Minnetonka, GA.

We’re professionals who know our stuff and we’re willing to pass this information on to you. If you need to replace your furnace this winter, we’ll help you figure out your next steps. 

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Should I Buy 80 or 95 Efficiency Furnace?

December 27th, 2021

Winter is here, the holiday season is almost over, and you’re putting your heater to good use. If you’ve started to realize that your heater isn’t performing the way you want it to anymore, then it’s time to schedule an appointment for a potential furnace replacement in Minnetonka, MN. Replacement is a job that we can perform for you. 

Replacement and installation services are two of the important jobs you can have done for your heater. If you’re looking for a team that will make sure that your furnace gets the service it deserves, then it’s time to get in touch with us. We have a full team of technicians who have the experience they can put to use for you. Today, we’re going to start from the bottom up–we want to give you the necessary information to get a high-quality furnace.

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What Is a Plenum in an HVAC System?

December 20th, 2021

handsome-young-man-looking-thoughtfully-at-isolated-white-backgroundYour forced-air heating, air conditioning, and ventilation system use a network of ducts to move your conditioned air through your home. Most of the time, your ducted system is going to be comprised of sheet metal, but it can also be made of fiberglass or insulated plastic in some circumstances. 

In any circumstance, it’s important to understand that the heart of your home’s HVAC system is the plenum. You might be surprised to hear this. It’s a word that many people haven’t heard before when it comes to HVAC services. Today, we’re going to get into your supply plenum and let you know why this is important. It’s important for your air conditioning services and your heating services in Minnetonka

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