3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Heater’s Efficiency

November 21st, 2022

We’vfamily-holding-green-paper-house-in-handse just started to experience cooler temperatures in our area, and as such you might have noticed that your older heater is struggling a bit to heat your home efficiently. This can happen pretty easily here in Minnesota because our winters are cold, long, and quite brutal.

If you’re noticing how winters have taken a toll on your furnace, contact our team. In the meantime, read on to learn how to boost your heater’s efficiency, and therefore save money on your heater use.

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“Should I Get Radiant Heating?”

November 14th, 2022

floor-heating-installation-in-houseSometimes, when we suggest “radiant heating” to homeowners upgrading their heating or renovating their home we’re met with some puzzled looks. Radiant heating definitely isn’t as common as other methods of heating, but it’s just as good of an option, if not a great option, for many homeowners. Just because a furnace is a more familiar option doesn’t mean it’s the one you should go with.

Now we understand why you’d feel a little hesitant. Going into uncharted territory with something as expensive and long-lasting as a heating system can be a little scary. That’s why we’ve created a guide to these types of systems below. If you’re looking for a radiant heating system in Minneapolis, MN then make sure that you contact our team.

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Do I Need a High-Efficiency Boiler?

November 7th, 2022

Are you thinking of switching things up before this winter rolls around? This is the time of year when we hear from many homeowners about their heating system. You’re anticipating the cold temperatures that our winters always bring, and you want to be prepared for it. We understand. You can trust our HVAC professionals when you want great service.

We understand that finding the right boiler system can be stressful. We can be the team to walk you through the process of finding the right boiler system, purchasing it, and then installing the system in your home. For many homeowners, that choice might be for a high-efficiency boiler, which can be more expensive upfront but save you thousands of dollars throughout its lifetime in energy costs.

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Don’t Let These Winter Air Quality Issues Spook You!

October 31st, 2022

It is not wintertime quite yet–in fact, temperatures have only just begun to chill out. But soon enough you’ll need to start running your heater on a regular basis. Hopefully, you have already scheduled HVAC maintenance for your furnace or heat pump to make sure it is ready to work on a daily and hourly basis. This will certainly help your indoor air quality, but it won’t resolve poor indoor air quality all on its own.

You see, indoor air quality (IAQ) is about so much more than how cool or warm your home is. It’s also about humidity, and how clean the air is within your living space. Modern construction means our homes are sealed up nicely against the elements. This is great news for HVAC efficiency and your lowered utility bills, but it’s not such great news for your overall IAQ. Read on to learn more about these two common winter indoor air quality problems, and how to fix them so they don’t have to spook you!

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“How Do I Prepare My Furnace for Winter?”

October 24th, 2022

Winter may still seem like it’s a ways off, but with temperatures already dropping this fall, it’s clear that the best time to prepare for the chillier season is now.

If you have a furnace to keep you warm, then you already are one step ahead of the game. Furnaces are powerful, efficient, and most importantly, when well taken care of, safe.

When we talk about a “well taken care of” furnace, we’re talking about one that is regularly maintained and tuned up by a trained and experienced technician, like one of the members of our team. Sure, there are some basic maintenance tasks you can do on your own (which we’ll cover below), but if you want your furnace to be in the best possible shape, then you should call on our team for professional maintenance! This service is truly the best way to prepare your furnace for winter.

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“How Do I Know If I Need to Repair or Replace My Boiler?”

October 17th, 2022

Are you one of many homeowners throughout Minneapolis who uses a boiler for your home heating needs? If so, you’re in great shape! Boilers are sturdy systems that keep homes efficiently and effectively warm. However, just like any other heating system, your boiler won’t last forever. But we don’t want you to replace your boiler before you really need to!

If you’re caring for your boiler properly by scheduling professional maintenance once a year, then your boiler should last at least a couple of decades. When you have a boiler problem though, do you know how to tell the difference between when it needs a repair, or replacement? Our professionals can help you make an educated decision about this, and in the meantime you can read on to get our initial thoughts on this subject.

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How Does a Ductless System Work?

October 10th, 2022

If you haven’t looked into using a ductless system before, and you’re considering replacing your air conditioner and/or heating system, then now can be the perfect time to consider the installation of a ductless system. Ductless systems are great options for multi-story homes, houses with a lot of rooms, or houses that are being added on to. We’ll get into that more below.

In the meantime, how does a ductless system actually work? This is a common question we receive. Also referred to as ductless mini-splits, these systems don’t use ductwork (as their name implies). But they are forced-air heating and cooling systems. So how is all of this possible?

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“What Type of Furnace Is Right For Me?”

October 3rd, 2022

When it comes time to install a new furnace in your home, you might be overwhelmed by the options. Not only are there different manufacturers and brands to choose from, you’ll also want to choose whether you want a gas or electric furnace and whether you want a “single stage” furnace or a “2 stage” furnace.

What’s that? You’ve never heard of a “2 stage furnace”? That’s okay! That’s what we’re here for. We are reading to help you from start to finish with your furnace installation, and we can follow it up with reliable repairs and exceptional annual furnace maintenance to ensure that your heating system stays in great shape for the years to come. Read on to learn about these different furnace types.

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How Often Does My Commercial HVAC System Need Maintenance?

September 26th, 2022

As you can probably guess, a commercial HVAC system needs more service than a residential system, given how large and complex a piece of equipment it is. What you may not know is that a commercial HVAC system needs maintenance just as often–once a year for a commercial cooling system and once a year for a commercial heater. Of course, this means that if your commercial space or business uses a heat pump system, you’ll need to invest in maintenance twice a year.

But what else should you know? Well, just how important it is that your system be maintained and otherwise serviced by folks who have expertise in commercial HVAC work, like the folks here at Residential Heating and Air. Maintenance helps your commercial system work as efficiently and effectively as possible for as long as possible, while professional services keep it operating well day in and day out. Read on to learn why it’s so important to hire an experienced contractor for any commercial HVAC work you need done.

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What Is Asbestosis and Why Is It Dangerous?

September 19th, 2022

beach-houseTo understand what asbestosis is and why it’s dangerous, you first have to understand what asbestos is. You know those popcorn ceilings you see in a lot of older homes? Perhaps you have it in your home? Well, this is the product of asbestos—a mineral material used for insulation for many decades. In the mid-20th century, it was discovered that these small mineral fibers were actually harmful, being inhaled by residents and causing serious illness.

The effects are not immediate, either. Over the years, asbestos can build up in your lungs, creating a range of respiratory illnesses, with the most severe being mesothelioma, a harmful form of lung cancer. Because of this, asbestos hasn’t been used any longer for insulation, but many homes still have it in their living spaces, where it should be removed.

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