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Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Air Purifier Basics for Healthier Home Air Quality

Summer is here, and it’s time to think about what is circulating through your indoor air. At Residential Heating and Air Conditioning, we know that air purifier are one of the most effective strategies for healthier indoor air quality. That’s why we offer expert air purifier service in Minneapolis, MN.

Below is a breakdown of how air purifiers work.

Understanding Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are designed to clean the air in your home by removing contaminants like dust, pollen, and bacteria. These devices are essential for maintaining good indoor air quality. But to choose the right air purifier, you need to understand what it does and how it works.

Common Contaminants in Indoor Air

Homes often contain various airborne particles that can affect your health. The usual suspects include pet dander, mold spores, and pollen. Poor indoor air quality can lead to allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. That’s why it’s important to have an effective air purification system.

The Role of MERV Ratings in Air Purification

The effectiveness of air filters is measured by their MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating. This rating tells you how well a filter can catch smaller particles. We install filters with MERV ratings that catch particles as small as 3 microns, which is great for trapping contaminants like tobacco smoke. It’s important to pick a filter that matches your home’s needs without restricting airflow in your HVAC system.

Advanced Technology in Air Purifiers

Our air purifiers use advanced technology such as the “Captures & Kills” approach. This method not only traps but also inactivates 99% of select airborne pathogens, including viruses like the coronavirus. When paired with our high MERV-rated filters, these purifiers deliver superior air cleaning performance.

The Hidden Dangers in Ineffective Purifiers

An air purifier that doesn’t suit your home’s specific needs can do more harm than good. For instance, a filter that’s too powerful for your HVAC system can hinder air flow. This can make your system work harder, potentially leading to damage. That’s why it’s important to choose the right air purifier to effectively clean your indoor air.

Choosing the Right Air Purifier

Here are some tips for selecting the right air purifier: consider the size of your home and the specific air quality issues you face. Our team offers free consultations to help you choose the best air purification and filtration systems for your home. We can assess your space and recommend solutions tailored to your needs.

Why Trust Us

We have been improving home air quality since 1991 and our experience speaks for itself. We’re proud of our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and our Angie’s List Super Service Award. These accolades reflect our commitment to delivering top-quality HVAC services.

Keeping your indoor air clean is more straightforward when you have the right air purifier. Don’t let the summer air bring unwanted guests into your home. Let us help you keep your air clean and your family healthy.

Remember, when it comes to air purification, the right technology makes all the difference. Whether it’s UV air purifiers for tackling organic pollutants or whole-home air filtration systems designed for comprehensive coverage, we have the solutions you need to keep your indoor air fresh and clean all summer long.

Rely on Residential Heating and Air Conditioning and you’ll “Feel the Difference”! Serving The Twin Cities Since 1991.

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