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Serving The Twin Cities Since 1991


You Need a Humidifier

young-woman-shivering-during-the-winter-seasonYes… you!

We’re looking you right in the eye and telling you that it’s time. We know that you’ve spent time in the past wondering if you should get a humidifier for your home. You’ve had portable humidifiers for different rooms within your house and liked the effects. In addition to this, you’ve done a little research and seen what a humidifier can do for your home. Now you’re considering it as an option.

We’re here to tell you that it’s a great idea and it’s something that you should pull the trigger on ASAP. We’re going to run through everything you need to know about humidification in Minneapolis, MN. We’re here to help you.

How a Humidifier Helps

Here are all the ways that a humidifier can help you this winter:

More Warmth

The great thing about a humidifier is the science behind it. Water vapor is like nature’s version of an invisible warm, winter coat. Winter can seem so cold because the natural level of water vapor in the air is drastically decreased. It’s why your body tends to be so dry in the winter season. Those chapped lips, broken nails, and that head of dehydrated hair are all side effects of the season.

The great thing about a humidifier in your home is that your humidifier will make you feel warmer with less effort. Adding a little moisture back into your home’s air helps you feel warmer even if the thermostat temperature is a little lower than usual. This means you’ll benefit from greater comfort at home.

Lower Bills

We just touched upon this above, but when you feel warmer at lower temperatures you’ll feel more comfortable at home. You’ll also spend less time running your heater too. This directly equates to cost savings. Lowering your heating bills is rarely a bad thing. If you’re looking for better home heating then we’re here to provide it to you. We’re the professionals that you can trust for the right work in your home.

A Long-Lasting Heating System

You want your heater to last you a long time. There’s simply no way around this. You wouldn’t spend the time, money, or effort that you do on a heating system if you just wanted it to last one season. That’s where a humidifier comes in. You won’t run your heater into the ground when you give your heater an ally like a humidifier.

Fewer Colds

The winter season is cold and flu season because your body is more susceptible to catching a cold. It’s cold out and when it’s cold your nasal passages dry out and begin to crack. When this happens, you’re much more likely to have germs and bacteria make their way into your body which gets you sick. Getting your body completely hydrated will help prevent this. The thing about this though is that you have to do this inside and out. That’s why a humidifier helps. A humidifier is a great place to start if you want to disassociate the phrase “cold and flu season” from the winter season.

Contact our professionals for your humidification services. Feel the difference.

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