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Serving The Twin Cities Since 1991


Most Common Furnace Filter Questions

blue-question-markWe talk to a wide range of homeowners here in the area. Over the years, we’ve noticed that we receive some of the same questions when we’re talking to homeowners about furnace filters. We understand that there’s a little confusion when it comes to filters in a home. When we’re talking about filters today, we’re only talking about furnace filters. Furnace filters are in charge of keeping your heater clean, clear, and ready to perform. Indoor air quality filters are in charge of filtering all the air in your home. 

On our team, we understand that education is an important part of the HVAC process. It’s why we’re going to take the time to educate you on furnace filters in Minnetonka, MN today. You never have to wonder when you have our professionals by your side. We make things abundantly clear every step of the way. 

What Types of Air Filters Are There?

Let’s start off by defining exactly what air filters are. As we touched on in the introduction, the air filters we’re talking about are air furnace filters. 

These filters are in place to capture dust, dirt, debris, and other things that travel through your home’s air. It’s important for your furnace to filter away all this debris because these types of contaminants can actually hurt the process of your heating. Having a great furnace filter in place when you need it will always make things much simpler. 

How Often Should I Change My Furnace Filter in Minnesota?

You should change your furnace filter at least once every season. We understand that the seasons don’t always play by the rules in Minnetonka. If you feel like swapping out your filters when the calendar says it’s a new season doesn’t align with how you run your air conditioner or heater, then you can still get the same effect by swapping out your filter once every three months. 

Heater filter changes are one of the only things that we suggest that you do all on your own as a homeowner. If you’re struggling to do it, you can always call and talk to one of our professionals. The process is something we can talk you through over the phone. 

What Does a Furnace Filter Actually Do?

Your furnace filter keeps away all debris from your actual furnace. When you pull your old furnace filter out to swap it, you’ll notice that it’s covered in lint and dirt. The furnace acts as a protective barrier and it’s absolutely essential if you want high-quality performance in your home. 

What Can Happen If My Furnace Filter Is Dirty?

Are you wondering what’s going to happen if you run your furnace with a dirty filter? Here are some of the possibilities:

  • Short cycling. Your heater will struggle to get your home warm.
  • High energy bills due to inefficiency.
  • Low heating output because of bad airflow.

These problems are all big issues. This is why you should always swap your filter on a regular basis. 

Contact Residential Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. You’ll “Feel the Difference.”

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