You need to change the furnace filter regularly during the winter, every 1-3 months depending on the strength of the filter. This is an important job but people often forget to do it in the middle of a busy season when they’ve got so much else occupying their minds. We wrote this post because we want you to know why changing the filter is extremely important—and maybe we’ll help you remember it in the future.
Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category
Do You Often Forget to Change the Furnace Filter? Here’s Why It’s a Super Important Job!
Monday, November 20th, 2023Understanding Furnace Efficiency
Monday, November 13th, 2023Whenever you need to turn on your furnace to warm your house during the chilly Minnesota winters, you’ll spend money—regardless of whether you’re using gas or electricity. But how much money you spend will depend on the efficiency of the furnace, i.e. how well it converts its energy source into heat.
Efficiency in furnaces has become more important than ever as people look for ways to cut down on energy consumption and benefit the environment. The technology of furnaces has advanced to make high-efficiency units more efficient than ever. In this post, we’ll look into furnace efficiency and how it’s measured to help you understand its importance.
Why Have My Heating Bills Suddenly Skyrocketed?
Monday, November 6th, 2023You examined your most recent energy bill and were shocked to see a number higher than you’re used to seeing. You expect to see an increase in energy costs as colder weather arrives—whether it’s natural gas going to a gas furnace or electricity to a heat pump or electric furnace—but this is next level. You know you can’t be using that much energy. What’s happening?
We’re glad you’re concerned about this. Sometimes people just ignore their utility bill history and what sudden increases might mean. There are several possibilities for this sort of spike in heating costs. Some are simple to correct. Others will require calling our skilled professionals for heating repair in Minneapolis, MN. We’ll look at the most common causes of rising heating bills.
Let’s Get Up to Speed on Gas Furnace Safety
Monday, October 16th, 2023Gas furnaces—they’re the most common type of heating system found in homes around the country. They’re powerful and reliable. And, like any appliance that burns natural gas, they can also be potentially dangerous.
We’re not trying to be alarmist. Gas furnaces aren’t inherently risky appliances to have in a home, no more so than a gas stove or oven. But they do require some caution and several safety steps to help keep them operating safely.
You probably know several of the important gas furnace safety preventive measures already. Now that we’re deep into the fall, it’s a good time to get you up to speed with the best practices for a safe and warm winter.
The Big Fall Question: Is It Time to Replace Your Old Home Heater?
Monday, October 9th, 2023You know what Minnesota winters are like. They can be beautiful, but without reliable sources of indoor warmth, they can also be miserable and dangerous. You certainly never want to head into a Minnesota winter with a central heating system for your home that you can’t trust to get the job done or not fail when you need it the most.
That’s why fall is the time to ask yourself the big question about your old heating system: Is it time to get rid of it and schedule a new heating installation in Eden Prairie, MN?
The easiest way to get an answer to this question is to work with the helpful team at Residential Heating and Air Conditioning. We know our way around heating systems and we certainly know what Minnesota winters can do. Before you call us, we’ll give you some helpful information that will shed light on your current heating system’s fate.
Why Fall HVAC Maintenance Is So Important
Monday, October 2nd, 2023When the fall arrives, we shift into “maintenance mode” here at Residential Heating and Air Conditioning. Fall is a period when we don’t have to deal with as many emergency calls for air conditioning systems and the cold weather hasn’t arrived yet to make heaters a priority. What we focus on during this time is making sure that our customers are equipped to handle another harsh Minnesota winter, and that means providing them with heating maintenance in Minneapolis, MN.
If you’re already part of our annual maintenance agreement, you only need to contact us and we’ll set up a convenient appointment for you. If you aren’t a member, call us to sign up and get started.
How Do I Know If My Furnace May Have Asbestos in It?
Monday, July 10th, 2023The word asbestos is a frightening one to homeowners: even if they don’t exactly know what it is, they know they don’t want it in their homes. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber with high heat resistance, and this heat-resistant property has made it a common material in construction since ancient times.
Unfortunately, this is what allowed asbestos to get easily into homes, usually as part of insulation. Breathing in asbestos fibers is harmful: long-term lung exposure can cause several respiratory illnesses, such as mesothelioma, a dangerous form of lung cancer.
One prime area where asbestos might lurk in your home is in your furnace. In this post, we’re going to look at the issue of asbestos in furnaces and whether this is a problem with your home’s furnace. If you’ve got an asbestos problem, call our team for asbestos removal in Eden Prairie, MN.
Understanding Furnace Certification
Monday, March 27th, 2023“Furnace certification? What’s that?”
If you came here because you’re asking this question, we have the answers you need. We can also help you when it comes to furnace certification in Minneapolis, MN. Furnace certification is a crucial part of service to ensure you have a safe and energy-efficient furnace.
Boiler Safety 101: Best Practices for Preventing Accidents
Monday, March 20th, 2023Do you have a boiler that helps you warm up your household?
If you do, then you likely want to make sure that your boiler is working properly. We would also suggest double-checking to make sure that the boiler is efficient and works safely.
The best way to ensure that your boiler is in the best condition is with expert boiler service in Eden Prairie, MN. We have some additional best practices you can adopt to help keep your boiler running smoothly.
What Should I Do If My Gravity Furnace Has Asbestos?
Monday, March 13th, 2023
If you live in a vintage home, then you may be the unknowing owner of a gravity furnace. If you haven’t heard about this kind of furnace, then you aren’t alone. Gravity furnaces are rapidly going out of style for more than one reason, which we will get into.
If you aren’t looking at a furnace replacement at the moment, then it is a good idea to learn a bit more about these systems, especially if yours still has asbestos on it.
Yes, you read that right. Asbestos was commonly used for insulation for these systems when their use was more widespread. Now is a good time to have your gravity furnace checked to see if you’d benefit from asbestos removal in Minneapolis, MN and if you should consider a furnace replacement in the near future.