Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Understanding Your AC’s SOS Signals

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

As the heat rolls in, we want to make sure your air conditioner is up to the task. Here at Residential Heating and Air Conditioning, we understand how important excellent AC repair in Minneapolis can be during these sweltering months. We’re not just any service provider; we pride ourselves on being a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer with a team of NATE-certified technicians. Let’s dive into what your AC might be trying to tell you and how to respond effectively.

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5 Signs It’s Time to Call A Professional For Your AC

Monday, May 20th, 2024
Man working on AC unit

Air conditioners are vital to your home’s comfort, especially during hot and humid days. While DIY projects can be tempting, certain AC issues require the expertise of a professional technician. Here are five signs indicating it’s time to call a professional for your AC repair in Eden Prairie.

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When Does System Age Make an AC No Longer Worth Keeping?

Monday, May 6th, 2024
Technician with Tablet

Air conditioners are crucial in keeping your home cool and comfortable, especially during the hot summer. However, like any appliance, AC units have a lifespan and eventually require replacement. In this guide, we’ll discuss several signs that indicate it’s time to consider investing in a new AC system and how to find heating and air conditioning in Golden Valley.

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Don’t Let Amateurs Try to Install Your New Air Conditioner!

Monday, April 22nd, 2024
AC Tech Chatting with Customer

So, you’ve decided to invest in a new air conditioner to keep your home cool and comfortable during the scorching Minneapolis summer months. While it’s tempting to save a few bucks by having a friend or amateur installer handle the installation, there are several compelling reasons why this could cost you more in the long run. Learn why it’s best to find professional AC installation in Minneapolis rather than try to save money with a cheaper installation option. 

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How Mini Split Systems Can Save Money

Monday, April 15th, 2024

If you’re looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to cool or heat your home, mini-split systems are worth considering. These versatile HVAC systems offer several benefits that can help you save money in the long run. Let’s explore why you should consider a mini-split system in Minneapolis.

What Is a Mini-Split System?

A mini-split system, or ductless mini-split or ductless heat pump, is a heating and cooling system that doesn’t require ductwork. It comprises an outdoor compressor/condenser unit and one or more indoor air-handling units connected by refrigerant lines. Each indoor unit is installed in a specific room or zone, allowing for personalized temperature control.

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What SEER2 Means for Getting a New AC

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Understanding SEER ratings is crucial when upgrading your air conditioning system. SEER, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is a metric that measures the efficiency of air conditioners. The higher the SEER2 rating, the more energy-efficient the AC unit is. Let’s learn more about SEER2 and why it’s essential to consider when looking for a new AC installation in St. Paul.

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Hurray for Spring! Let’s Get Your AC in Great Shape for the Warmer Weather

Monday, April 1st, 2024

As the temperature rises and the days get longer, it’s time to prepare your air conditioner for the warmer weather. Proper maintenance and preparation can ensure that your AC unit operates efficiently, keeps your home cool, and avoids costly repairs. Here are six essential tips for preparing your residential heating and cooling in Golden Valley for spring and the hot summer months ahead.

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March Means It’s Time to Think About HVAC Maintenance

Monday, March 4th, 2024

You never can tell exactly what’s going to happen to the weather in the Twin Cities during March, April, and May. The snow can stop early, and then it can come roaring back when we think we’ve safely gotten into spring. 

Regardless of what we can expect from the weather over the next few months, we’ll soon start the transition to warmer weather. That means that now is the right time to think about scheduling air conditioning maintenance in Plymouth, MN or wherever you live in the Twin Cities.

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Understanding Your AC Efficiency Ratings

Monday, September 4th, 2023

Energy efficiency is more important to consumers now than ever before, and they pay more attention to efficiency ratings for a range of devices. Thanks to the ENERGY STAR program, part of the US Department of Energy, consumers have an easy way to identify appliances that have passed the requirements for lower energy consumption and eco-friendly performance. 

Air conditioners use more electricity than almost any other household appliance, and that makes understanding their efficiency ratings a key part of lowering monthly bills and having an energy-saving household. We know all about the importance of AC efficiency in Minneapolis, MN, and we’re going to take a closer look at efficiency ratings in this post. When it comes to choosing a new AC for installation, always work with professionals who can help you find the system that has the right combination of efficiency, size, and performance for your household.

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Don’t Push Your AC Too Hard at the End of Summer

Monday, August 14th, 2023

August and September often bring out the hottest weather of the summer. That can spell bad news for air conditioning systems which have already put in several months of hard work keeping homes chilled and comfortable. As the heat ramps up, ACs are at a higher risk of failing or losing cooling capacity because of the strain and overwork. 

We don’t want you stuck with a failed air conditioner during the dog days of summer—although you can always depend on us for air conditioning repair in Eden Prairie, MN or elsewhere in the Twin Cities when you need it. We have advice to help you lessen the cooling load on your air conditioning system and see that it remains reliable until it shuts off at the end of the year.

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