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Tips for Improving and Maintaining Your Indoor Air Quality


If you’re like most homeowners, then your health and the health of your family are a huge priority. But it can be difficult to determine how to keep your family as healthy as possible, especially if your indoor air quality is worse than the quality of the air outdoors. And in most homes, especially those without the right indoor air quality solutions, that could very well be the case.

The good news is that we have some practical and useful tips for you to not only maintain good indoor air quality but improve your home’s overall indoor air quality. Read on!

What You Do Every Day Matters

This sounds like one of those cheesy life advice quotes, but in this case, it really is good advice! You can keep your home’s air healthier by making some changes around the home. For instance, if you’re not already taking steps to keep your home clean on a daily basis, doing so can really help. Consider these steps:

  • Regularly vacuum, sweep, and/or mop the floors.
  • Routinely dust and clean surfaces.
  • Remove your shoes when you come inside the house.
  • Brush your pets regularly.
  • Change your clothing when you get home from activities where you’ve spent time outdoors.

“What Else Can I Do?”

There are some tasks that don’t have to be done daily or weekly, but still should be done regularly. They can be easy to forget but are still important to do. They include:

  • Changing the air filters in your heating and air conditioning systems every 1–3 months.
  • Testing your smoke detectors to make sure they work each month.
  • Replacing your smoke detector batteries every 6 months. Even if your smoke detectors are hard-wired, it’s a good idea to have battery backups.
  • Periodically inspect the home for signs of water damage or water leaks.

How Professional Maintenance Can Help

For other tasks that help improve your air quality indoors, you’ll need a professional. This includes:

  • Contacting us if you suspect mold or mildew growth of any kind. You may benefit from duct cleaning and/or an air purifier.
  • Scheduling annual (or biannual with heat pump systems) HVAC maintenance to have your system cleaned, inspected, and repaired.
  • Calling a technician if you suspect anything is amiss with your air conditioner.
  • Consulting a technician before making any changes to your HVAC system.

Indoor Air Quality Solutions to Consider

You know how we mentioned that the right indoor air quality solutions can help improve the health of your air? Here is a handful for you to consider:

  • Air Filtration System: This is different from a standard HVAC air filter, which is in place to protect the actual air conditioner or heater from debris.
  • Air Purifier: Whole-house systems are much more efficient and effective than a portable air purifier.
  • UV Air Purifier: This type of air purifier is ideal for sterilizing ductwork, where mold, mildew, and bacteria can grow.
  • HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator): This is a way to ventilate the air while pre-heating or pre-cooling in order to avoid adding too much to your utility bills.

Contact Residential Heating and Air Conditioning for indoor air quality solutions such as air cleaning in Minneapolis, MN. With us, you’ll “Feel the Difference!”

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