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How Many Amps Are Required for a Ductless Mini Split System?

air-conditioner-with-wrench-placed-on-topWe get quite a few questions surrounding ductless mini split systems. We hear questions like “How do they work?,” “How are they installed?,” and “How do these systems compare to ______?”

These are all great questions that are so common that you can find the answer almost anywhere online. A question that many homeowners have that is a little less common is the one in our title.

You don’t need too many amps to run your ductless mini split system. Each one of your air handlers needs about 15 to 45 amps. This means that, as a whole, you’ll need about 110 to 120 volts on the low end or 208 to 240 volts on the higher end. If you’re interested in one of these systems, we’ll help you figure out your AC installation in Bloomington, MN.

The Benefits of Ductless Mini Split Systems

Now that we’ve defined how many amps are required to run a ductless mini split system, we want to outline the benefits of a ductless mini split systems. Here are a few:

Zoning Without the Hassle

You’ve probably heard of “zone control systems.” If you’ve ever been enticed by the idea, looked into them, and then decided that this isn’t the right system for you, we bet that the reason why is probably the hassle. It’s hard to get your home a zone control system after you’ve built it. It takes a considerable amount of construction.

If you want to zone without the hassle, then it’s important to consider a ductless mini split system. Zoning is simple with this type of system because they use air handlers. Air handlers can be installed where you need heating or cooling power the most.

Cost Savings

You save on energy with a ductless mini split systems and save on money as a result. Traditional air conditioners make you lose out on energy because of the way they run. Using traditional ductwork isn’t a flawless system. This is especially true if you’re dealing with ductwork that is old or hasn’t been properly maintained throughout the years. You’ll have gapping and other problems that result in energy loss.

Cost savings are so much easier when you have individualized air handlers. Efficiency is easier with a ductless mini split system.


Ductless mini split systems are great because they allow flexibility. This is because you can add on to your power over time. Your needs change over time and a ductless system can change with you. If you add on to your home, renovate, or welcome some new family members, then you might need more heating or cooling capacity.

This is where the perk of flexibility comes in. Forget window units to add extra power or trying to get your traditional air conditioner to cool your home evenly. The flexibility that ductless air conditioners provide is much easier than either of these options. If you’re ready to upgrade and meet your needs, then we’re here to help you with everything.

Contact Residential Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with our team. We’ll help you “Feel the Difference.”

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